Monday, January 31, 2011

Goat Taco Anyone?

Okay...I admit it. My perspective of normal has been slightly adjusted since arriving in Mexico. I realized this last Saturday when I stopped at a taco stand to eat lunch with my friend. Now, I've eaten some unusual cuisine here in Oaxaca. I've tried gusano (worm), chapilines (fried grasshoppers), elote (corn with mayo, chili powder and lime juice), and green chicken soup with the whole chicken in it. So, Saturday, as we sat down to dine on goat tacos, I couldn't help but think that it seemed fairly normal.
In a lot of ways, I'm grateful for that. I'm thankful that life here has begun to feel more settled and not always so shocking as it was when I first arrived. It's good that God is bringing me to a point of acceptance here. It's so exciting to see His hand at work. Yes, there are still times when I roll my eyes and think, "Why do they do it THAT way?" But even in those moments, I am still so thankful to be here.
And, each day, I am thankful for your sacrifice and care because I see that God has a reason for me being here and you have made that physically possible. I see relationships growing and I am grateful for the doors God has opened for further ministry with Mexican nationals, as well as, my continued work at OCS.

Please continue to pray that God will direct my steps and show me His will for the future. At this point, I would like to stay longer, but please continue to pray that God will supply for my needs. Thank you!

Please let me know if I can ever pray specifically for you or your family. You have done so much to bless my life and to further the ministry here in Oaxaca, but please allow me to partner in prayer for your needs, as well.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Encountering God on the Bus

Well, God did it again. He showed up in an unexpected place…on the bus. The bus used to be a place of anxiety for me. I would climb on hoping that I really had chosen the correct bus, then I would ride the whole way with a gnawing fear in the pit of my stomach that I had possibly chosen incorrectly. It was not a place where I thought God might show up to commune with me, but today He did.

I was on my way to church, so I popped in my headphones and was listening to some worship music. Immediately, God began speaking to my heart and drawing me to Himself. He reminded me that He is the Light that shines to all in this dark world. He is the Perfect Redeemer, the Star of the Morning and He will never change. God reminded me that not only is He my Hope, but He is the Hope whom the lost in this world desperately need to see.

Sometimes, I get busy with life and I forget why I do what I do. It’s not that I turn my back on God or blatantly fall in to sin; I just don’t always take adequate time to REALLY meet with God. I need His continual renewal. If I don’t personally experience what a relationship with God means, how can I share His love with the people who are drowning in sin around me? How can I show them the Answer to their hopelessness?

So, that was a piece of what God did in my life today on the bus. This week, I am going to pay more attention in unexpected places. Where do you think God might speak to you this week?