Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Good afternoon from rainy Costa Rica!

We are in the middle of the 6 month rainy season, so each day we scurry about trying to get here and there without getting rained on or at least, not too much.  Almost daily, the rain pours down as if it were dumped from buckets.  I have never gone through so many umbrellas in my life!

My final trimester of classes began a couple of weeks ago and now we are in full swing.  As ever, my teachers are amazing people and because of them, we are learning so much Spanish.  As it should be, each class is challenging and stretches me to my limits so that I might learn as much as possible.  I am thankful for the opportunity to be here and I realize that each day here will help me better communicate the gospel to the people of Latin America.  Thank you for your support and prayers so I am able to study.

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be taking two necessary trips.  First, all of the students are heading to Panama because we must renew our visas by leaving the country.  Please pray for our safety in traveling and that we will not have any issues at the border crossings.  Secondly, Daniel and I will be traveling to the Assemblies of God headquarters in Springfield, Missouri for one week.  Because we are getting married and my missionary status is changing, part of the approval process is that we will be interviewed by the Executive committee and attending training.  Please pray that we are able to articulate our dreams for ministry well during the interviews and that God helps us to absorb all of the information we are going to be learning during the various training sessions.

On a personal note…

This trimester has been especially challenging for me spiritually and emotionally.  I have felt daily attacks as the pressure of wanting to become completely fluent before I leave pushes on me each day.  I am almost constantly fighting against the lies of satan that “I will never learn this language” or that “The people are not going to understand me”, etc.  I have been putting on the armor of God daily and I am leaning on the Holy Spirit to help me redirect my thoughts as soon as the doubts creep in, but I could really use your prayers in this battle.  Thank you.

You are all so important to me.  I need you.  Your prayers, encouragement and support keep me going.  Thank you so much for the HUGE role you play in this ministry.  Without you, I would not be able to fulfill the calling God has placed on my life.  Thank you!

God bless you,

Janene Snyder

MA to Mexico (currently in Costa Rica at language school)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Beautiful Worship

One woman’s voice rises above the others.  She sings with all of her heart and often kneels to give praise to God.  Another is nearly coming out of her skin to dance and jump before the Lord in worship.  One gentleman on the end of the row turns slightly to the wall and simply stands with his head bowed in reverence.  Others raise their hands or sway as they join in the beautiful songs.  Several play instruments as their part in helping us enter the throne room of our God.  The Word is read and an application is presented.  Prayers of thanksgiving as well as supplication are put at the feet of the cross.  Money is given to further the work of the kingdom.  Many worship the Lord through acts of service by teaching the children, cleaning, cooking or welcoming all who enter. 

Worship—it comes in many forms.  It looks different in every country, church and person.  Yet when one’s heart is sincere, God is glorified.  May we all become beautiful worshippers.

1 Chronicles 16:27-34

Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his dwelling place.

Ascribe to the Lord, all you families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him.  Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.

Tremble before him, all the earth!  The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, “The Lord reigns!”
Let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them!
Let the trees of the forest sing, let them sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dancing Missionaries??

One of the perks of being a missionary is that we get to experience a culture different from our home culture.  Yesterday, in school, we celebrated Costa Rica’s Independence Day.  Our teachers explained the history behind the day with pictures and music, including the national anthem.  The little MKs (missionary kids) played a part in the program with their teacher and we witnessed a flag processional.  The staff graciously served arroz con pollo (chicken and rice) and we even got to be a part of a traditional Costa Rican dance.

As part of the event, Daniel and I were chosen along with another couple, to demonstrate the dance for the students.  It was fun to wear the beautiful clothing and flip the gigantic skirt around during the dance.  The skirt actually weighs about 10 pounds and has multiple layers and ruffles, all in different colors, so I could pull the sides of it up to my ears without anyone seeing anything inappropriate.  In fact, the skirt is made so that the wearer can flip and spin it as a part of the visual beauty of the dances in Costa Rica.

Our dance included a broom and the idea was that during a part of the dance, the couples paired off to dance together and the one remaining single person was to pick up the broom and dance with it in the middle.  It was a game and a dance combined together.  We also got to select “volunteers” from the audience to teach them the dance.

Learning the history and culture of a people group is essential in order to minister to them effectively.  While it is interesting and enjoyable to learn about the food, holidays, dances, etc., it is also vitally important because it is WHO the people are.  Paul explained that he became what others needed him to be, so that by all possible means some might be saved.  (I Corinthians 9:22)  He did not change the Truth of the Gospel, but he made it culturally relevant to the people.  Learning the customs of the people here in Costa Rica and also in Mexico will help Daniel and I proclaim the message of Jesus in a culturally relevant way.  

It’s also really fun!!

“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim that His name is exalted.”   
Isaiah 12:4

Monday, August 5, 2013

Why Do I Do This?

Daniel and Me
Romans 10:14-15—“How, then, can they call on the One they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the One of Whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written:  “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” 

Last fall, over Thanksgiving break, I had the opportunity to visit San Cristobal, the city where Daniel and I will soon live in Mexico. While walking through the town, a sense of excitement began to build inside of me as I realized that someday soon those then unfamiliar streets would one day be my home and the place where Daniel and I will establish roots. The people, then unknown to me, would become friends and hopefully brothers and sisters in Christ. 

For this reason, I study Spanish. We are looking forward to settling in Mexico and beginning the work God has for us there. The knowledge of Spanish we are gaining here at CINCEL will help us fulfill that calling. Thank you for praying and giving so that I can continue to learn Spanish.

My Classmates

Cincel Update:
Ahora, estamos casi terminado con nuestro segundo…Oh wait!  English!

We are nearly finished with our second trimester here at language school. Praise the Lord! I am speaking and understanding much more Spanish and it is exciting to feel like some things are beginning to “click.” I now understand large sections of the sermons on Sunday and can enter in to true worship in Spanish!

I give all praise to the Lord and to my excellent teachers here at Cincel. They are preparing me to minister in Mexico. Thank you for praying and giving so I am better prepared for ministry.

The Missionary Ladies Gave Me a Bridal Shower
Looking ahead and Logistics:
Daniel and I will be traveling to Springfield, MO (Assemblies of God headquarters) to complete the necessary interviews and training that is required before we head to Mexico. After we marry in January, not only will our lives be joined together in marriage, but our two separate Assemblies of God accounts will be joined together in one account. We are still learning how that will be processed and we will pass that information along to you, our supporters, in our next newsletter.
Prayer Needs:
1.  Processing with AG headquarters as Daniel and I prepare to marry.
2.  Strength, patience and endurance as we continue to learn Spanish.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Questions That Deserve Answers

Allow me to put myself in YOUR place today.  You, my faithful supporters, have been praying and giving so that I can do what God has called me to do.  But, if I were you, I would have a few questions about how the money you are sending is being used and if it is truly worth your investment.  Please allow me answer some questions that I might have if I walked a mile in your shoes.

Didn't She Live in Mexico Already?  Why Doesn't She Speak Spanish Yet?
The usual process with the Assemblies of God is to send their missionaries to language school right from the start, unless that Missionary Associate is only going for one year and will be working primarily in an English-speaking environment.  When I originally went to Mexico, it was for one year and I worked primarily in an American school for missionary kids where English was spoken.  While I did study Spanish, it was always only on the side and by nature of my ministry, I spent much more time practicing my English than my Spanish.  I loved ministering at the school in Oaxaca and had some outside opportunities to work with Mexican nationals too, but my Spanish learning was not what it could have been had I been completely immersed in the culture.

 Since She Already Knows Some Spanish, Why Does She Need Language School for a WHOLE Year? 

That is a valid question.  Let me explain.  Each Spanish verb has fourteen tenses.  Each of those fourteen tenses has five different conjugations.  That’s seventy possibilities for ONE verb.  There are hundreds of Spanish verbs and that’s JUST the verbs.  When you add in grammar, phonetics and learning how to speak year of language school probably isn’t long enough, but it will have to do.

Is She Just Going to Return to Mexico and Work with English-speakers Again and Forget Her Spanish?

The short answer is, “No.”  When Daniel and I return, we will not be living in the same area and our ministry will be focused on ministering to nationals, specifically the indigenous people who live in Chiapas.  And although we do not yet know for certain what doors God will open for ministry, we expect that we will be working with national pastors, churches and future Christian leaders.

How Can I Best Pray for Her? 

Please pray that God will give me understanding, perseverance and patience as I study and memorize and practice and read and listen, etc.  It can be frustrating at times to struggle so much to learn and still feel like I do not understand as much as I would like.  Yet even in those moments, I know that I understand more than I used to and I know that little by little all of this will come together.  I have highly qualified and gifted teachers who are doing a phenomenal job.  This language will come, but I certainly do appreciate your prayers.

More Questions?

If you have other questions you would like to ask, please feel free.  You deserve to have your questions answered and I am happy to oblige.  I want you to be able to trust me and to feel confident in supporting me.  You are investing a great deal and you have a right to know what is being done with your resources.  With God’s help, I will “Do [my] best to present [myself] to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed.” 
 2 Timothy 2:15