Friday, August 31, 2012

All That We Want Is All That You Are

I am listening to a new song, “All that We Want is All that You Are” (Hillsong).  It talks about running to all that God is.  I’ve been thinking recently about what kind of things I want in my life.  Do I want more of God’s righteousness?  Do I want more of His love to be evident in me?  Do I want as much of the Light and Life of Jesus as I can possibly hold?

As a Christian and as one who is serving on the mission field, my immediate response is, “Yes--of course!”  Alright, if that is what I want, what kind of decisions am I making each day to live that out?  Will I turn off a movie during my relaxation time, to spend a few minutes with Jesus?  Will I choose to inconvenience myself to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading when I see a woman struggling to carry all of her bags and I could help her?  Am I willing to give up food for a day and fast, so that I can devote that time to God?  How badly do I want more of Jesus?

Unfortunately, I often prove that in fact, I do not want more of Jesus by the choices I make.  I forget that I need to fight against the flesh, instead of giving in.  (Romans 7:21-24, 1 Pt. 5:9)  I need to be alert instead of apathetic or lazy because the enemy is actively on the prowl, looking to devour.  (Eph. 6:18, 1 Pt 5:8)

All that we want is all that You are.  Really?  God help that to be the cry of my heart!

2 Chron. 15:12—“They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their ancestors, with all their heart and soul.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Nothing But Praise

"A person's steps are directed by the Lord.  How then can anyone understand their own way?"  Proverbs 20:24

Two years ago, I never could have imagined all the beautiful things God has allowed me to experience and learn here in Mexico.  This journey has been exciting, amazing, stretching and challenging, but always for my good.  May God’s Name be praised and may He receive all the glory for without Him, I am nothing!

My Inspiration for becoming TESL certified

This past January, I took an online course to receive my certificate in teaching English as a second language.  (TESL)  This summer, God put it in my heart to use this knowledge to reach out to the community, through my church here in Mexico.  Beginning in September, my pastor has given me permission to teach an English class at the church.  However, the goal of the class is evangelism, so one of the requisites for being in the class is that the Christian kids need to invite a friend who does not yet know Jesus.  Along with that, we will be using Scripture and Bible stories (in English) as part of our class curriculum.  My desire is that God will use this class as a way of introducing the unsaved children to Jesus, the Bible, and the church and that their relationship with their Christian friend will be a connecting point for their future salvation.  Could I have imagined that God would direct my steps in this way last January when I took the course?  No!  But, may God let it be so!

My Spanish tutor and her husband
This summer, I was granted permission to return to the States in order to raise funds to attend language school in Costa Rica this coming January, 2013.  God prompted me to put my personal belongings, which had been in storage, up for sale and to connect with several pastors to request their support.  Again, may God be praised!  He allowed everything of mine that had value to sell and He prepared the hearts of the pastors and their churches to bless me by their generous giving!  I am still amazed at how distinctly God has and is continuing to provide the needed money!  Did I understand that God would provide through such a concrete approach?  No, I did not, but, praise His Holy Name!
6th Grade graduates--May 2012
In less than one week, we will be beginning another school-year at Oaxaca Christian School where I am the receptionist.  At the end of last school-year, we had several teaching positions standing vacant.  The OCS staff was all praying that God would direct the right people to come and serve.  And, praise the Lord!  All the positions were filled over the summer!  We have six new staff members joining us this fall!  (This is remarkable when you consider that all of our teachers are unpaid, volunteer missionaries who have to raise their own support.)  Could we have possibly known that God would fill those voids so completely?  Absolutely not!  But, once again, He led the way!
As I reflect on what God has done and as I look forward to the future; my heart is full of praise to my Awesome, Faithful, and Trustworthy God.  He opens doors that no man can shut and as we listen to His gentle leading, He will show us the path to take.  (Isaiah 45:2-3; Isaiah 30:21)  We will not always understand what God is doing; but we can rest in the fact that He has our best interest in mind and that He is always working for our good.  (Jeremiah 29:11)
Thank you for participating with me in this journey!  Even though you are not here with me physically, I feel your love and support through your prayers and generous giving.  None of these things would be possible without your help.  Your part in this is vital and I thank you!  May God’s greatest blessings surround you and may you experience His favor in your life.
                                                                                                       God bless you!

Prayer Needs:
1.  English Class—please pray that God will help me know how to teach and organize the class and that He will move in the hearts of every student to lead them closer to Him.
2.  Continued Spanish Learning—please pray that God gives me deeper understanding and boldness as I continue to learn Spanish and try to use it.
3.  Oaxaca Christian School—please pray for the new teachers and students joining us this fall and for a smooth beginning of the school-year.