Why does Jesus tell us that we must change and become like a little child if we want to enter the kingdom of heaven? (Matthew 18:3-4)
Today, I saw a little girl do a beautiful thing for her friend. She is about 2-3 years old, a tiny little sweetheart with big brown eyes and dark hair. She is one of four toddlers who sit at a small table by themselves in the children's home where I volunteer. They were all eating their breakfast of eggs, green beans, black beans and chopped up ham, when the little girl next to her finished and wanted more. I headed to the kitchen to ask about getting her some, but they had run out of it, so I had to go back and tell her, "No mas."
She was just starting to fuss about it, when her friend pushed her own plate of food in her direction. I tried to verbily clarify the situation (which normally causes more confusion), to make sure that she really was intending to give the food to her friend. The little sweety nodded yes and of course I gushed over her about how nice she was and made a big deal about thanking her. She smiled and then went on as if nothing unusual had happened.
Maybe I'm making too much of this, but this little darling gave sacrificially for the sake of her friend. She saw a need and met it, without considering the consequences, like being hungry later. She didn't do it to get attention or to earn praise. It was a brief moment in the morning, but it touched my heart.
When was the last time I gave sacrificially, without considering the cost to myself? Am I willing to do what God wants, even if I don't receive praise or a moment in the spotlight? Perhaps I need to humble myself and become more like this little girl, so I don't miss what God wants to do. The Bible talks about laying down your life for your friend, having real love for others and doing your acts of righteousness in secret. May Jesus help me!