Saturday, April 30, 2011

A New Beginning

Leviticus 6:12-"The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out."
Last night, I returned from Puerto Vallarta, where I spent the last 5 days retreating on the beach with all the other AG missionaries who serve in Mexico. It was such a treat and my heart feels so full. I am so thankful for the opportunity to meet many truly wonderful people. But most of all, I am grateful to God for the solid Biblical teaching I heard, the sweet times of prayer and for the direction and reminders I received from Him personally.

I am back in Oaxaca, but I feel like I am ready to get back to work. I had the chance to re-focus at retreat and I feel like God is directing me to make some personal changes. I came back with a renewed desire to be more disciplined in specific areas and I am happy to report that day one being back went well. (smile)

While in Puerto Vallarta, our Area Director preached a sermon on Leviticus 6:8-13. I would like to share the main points with you because they touched my heart, and perhaps they will also minister to you. This is just the skeleton of the sermon, but I believe God will fill in the gaps for you.

The OT laws for burnt offerings were:
1. The sacrifice must stay on the altar until it is consumed. (All night)
2. The ashes of yesterday must be removed and put in their place. (Today's fire cannot burn on yesterday's ashes.)
3. Fresh sacrifice requires fresh fuel. (This may not be an exact quote, but Jim Elliot said, "Saturate me Lord with the oil of Your Spirit that I might be Your flame.")
4. Keep the fire burning continuously; it must not go out. (This has to be done intentionally.)

Has your fire died down or gone out? I am so thankful for the chances I had this week to stir that fire back up again. God moved in my heart in ways that I will never forget. And, right now, you also have the opportunity to stop what you are doing and take some time to rekindle the flame you once had for God. I don't mean to preach and I am not the best example to follow when it comes to this, but please don't pass up the opportunity for God to speak to you.
Do not let the fire go out!
Just a handful of the missionaries I got to spend time with this week.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Smiles, waves, and holas greeted me this morning as I entered the children's home where I volunteer on Fridays. As I walked through the door, 3 little toddlers toddled over to me with their arms up in the air. Hugs were given and I scooped up two of them while making the rounds to say good morning to everyone else.

The rest of the morning went quickly. Being there always involves the normal childcare work. From changing diapers to wiping noses to spoon feeding messy 1 year olds, things roll along at a busy pace; but I cherish the one on one moments that I am blessed to have in between the regular routine.

This morning, one of the younger boys was reading a board book by himself. I sat down next to him and asked if he would like me to read it to him. He said yes, so I did. Afterwards, he took a turn to read it to me, but as he did, he sang the words. I asked him if he liked to sing and what was his favorite song. Then, we sang a children's song together about Jesus being our friend and loving us.

Later in the morning, I was feeding a toddler named Angela who wasn't very interested in eating. (At least, I assume she wasn't, since she was sticking her tongue out and making silly noises!) While this was going on, one of the older girls who is about 7 years old, was making a game out of trying to sneak the hand-sanitizer out of my pocket. I would turn to feed Angela and she would creep her little hand in to my pocket to try and grab it. I would act shocked and tickle her and her sweet little face would light up with a beautiful smile.

Love. It's not always grand, but sometimes it's the little moments that can mean the most to a person. My reason for going to see the children is that they might see a piece of Who Jesus is through the way I interact with them. And, I still have a loooong way to go in learning how to love the way Jesus loves, but I do want to learn. Thankfully, God is patient with me and He even loves me enough to put me in a place with children, so that I can learn how to love from watching them!

Thank you Father for loving me, even when I don't deserve it. Thank You for providing opportunities to share Your love, even when I don't do it perfectly or I completely over-look the opportunity that You give. Please open my eyes to the needs of others and please help me love the people You have put in my life. Thank You for Your faithfulness and grace. I love You, Jesus.