A couple weeks ago, I went in to one of the main churches, located in the Zocalo. (The town square) As I quietly walked around praying and looking at the different statues, a question came to my mind. “Where is Jesus?” It actually took a minute to “find” Him because His statue was much smaller and lower than the main grouping of statues in the center of the building. Mary was the principal figure in the middle, and then there were angels, a couple of saints, and finally, Jesus.
It gave me a renewed understanding about the way the people of Mexico think about God. Mary is the primary focus of religion here and the saints hold a divine position, as well. Jesus is considered God’s Only Son and they would agree that He died on the cross for our sins. However, from the artwork in the church, that seems to be where the message ends.
There are so many other rituals added in and so much guilt, that the freedom and grace of Christ is overlooked. Instead, prayers must be offered, candles lit, good deeds done or you will be subjected to the wrath of God. They are searching for a way to earn God’s favor, but they can never be sure that they have it, until they meet the loving, forgiving Jesus.
Please will you join me in praying for the people of Oaxaca? Jesus said that if He is lifted up, He will draw all men to Himself. (John 12:32) Please pray that Jesus will be exalted through those of us who do have a personal relationship with Him and that God will open the eyes of those who are blinded by traditions that direct their focus away from Jesus. Instead of Mary, angels and the saints being the center of attention, let’s pray that the people of Oaxaca find Jesus.