Wednesday, October 3, 2012

English as an Evangelistic Tool?

“May the words of my mouth and the thoughts in my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord.”
Psalm 19:14
Six eager faces looked up at me from the table that night, expectant and hopeful.  The students could hardly wait to get started and were asking questions even before we began.  I cleared my throat and said, “Good afternoon.”  The English class had begun!
This summer God put it in my heart to begin teaching an English class at my church as a way of drawing neighborhood kids in to the church.  The idea was to have a mix of churched and non-churched kids together, so that friendships would develop with the result that some or all of the kids will come to know Jesus as their personal Savior.  While none of us are able to save people, the hope is that the non-churched children will see the love of Jesus through our lives and desire to have a relationship with Him.
Each week, the kids arrive on time and everyone has their notebooks and writing tools.  (Well…mostly.  We are in Mexico  and they are still kids after all!)  Several of the students do their homework and are able to pick out a prize from our prize basket.  We learn verses and vocabulary words together and each week we have a Bible story with games and activities to make things fun.  We are building a foundation of Bible knowledge and the kids will be presented with an opportunity to accept Christ before the end of the class.  It has been exciting to watch the kids as they learn about God and His purpose for their lives. 
Would you be willing to join me in prayer that each child will draw closer to Christ through the Biblical concepts taught in the class?  Would you also please pray for the salvation of those who do not yet have a relationship with Jesus?  And finally, please pray that God will anoint my words and teach through me, that His Name will be lifted high and the students will see Jesus in my life.  Thank you!
This is an English class, but my desire is that the kids come away with so much more!