Monday, August 5, 2013

Why Do I Do This?

Daniel and Me
Romans 10:14-15—“How, then, can they call on the One they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the One of Whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written:  “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” 

Last fall, over Thanksgiving break, I had the opportunity to visit San Cristobal, the city where Daniel and I will soon live in Mexico. While walking through the town, a sense of excitement began to build inside of me as I realized that someday soon those then unfamiliar streets would one day be my home and the place where Daniel and I will establish roots. The people, then unknown to me, would become friends and hopefully brothers and sisters in Christ. 

For this reason, I study Spanish. We are looking forward to settling in Mexico and beginning the work God has for us there. The knowledge of Spanish we are gaining here at CINCEL will help us fulfill that calling. Thank you for praying and giving so that I can continue to learn Spanish.

My Classmates

Cincel Update:
Ahora, estamos casi terminado con nuestro segundo…Oh wait!  English!

We are nearly finished with our second trimester here at language school. Praise the Lord! I am speaking and understanding much more Spanish and it is exciting to feel like some things are beginning to “click.” I now understand large sections of the sermons on Sunday and can enter in to true worship in Spanish!

I give all praise to the Lord and to my excellent teachers here at Cincel. They are preparing me to minister in Mexico. Thank you for praying and giving so I am better prepared for ministry.

The Missionary Ladies Gave Me a Bridal Shower
Looking ahead and Logistics:
Daniel and I will be traveling to Springfield, MO (Assemblies of God headquarters) to complete the necessary interviews and training that is required before we head to Mexico. After we marry in January, not only will our lives be joined together in marriage, but our two separate Assemblies of God accounts will be joined together in one account. We are still learning how that will be processed and we will pass that information along to you, our supporters, in our next newsletter.
Prayer Needs:
1.  Processing with AG headquarters as Daniel and I prepare to marry.
2.  Strength, patience and endurance as we continue to learn Spanish.