Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Cup Runs Over

Job 7:17-19
"What is man that you make so much of him, that you give him so much attention, that you examine him every morning and test him every moment? Will you never look away from me, or let me alone even for an instant?"
I read that the other day and I had to laugh. Job is complaining that God never leaves him alone. The notes in my Bible say that it can be translated literally, "long enough for me to swallow my saliva." In other words, "back off!" Okay, so Job was having a bad day--actually, make that a bad year or so. In my case, I don't want God to back away. In fact, He is drawing me closer and I am so grateful for the precious ways He is speaking to me. Imagine...God NEVER leaves us alone.

Recently, I have been amazed as I watch the way God is working. He is throwing open doors and blessing me so much in regards to Mexico. In February, I was permitted to display my information for our church Mission's Dinner which caused several new donors to give. In April, I have been invited to share for a gathering with the women at our Montana District Council Meetings. Coming up in May, we'll be celebrating Cinco de Mayo a Christian Life Center with a Mexico mission's dinner fundraiser. (more details later!) Praise God for all of these opportunities! There is no doubt in my mind that He is the One bringing all of this together.

Before I sign off, let me briefly update you all on my Mexico finances. In order to leave as planned in early July, I still need a grand total of $5,500.00 OR 20 people who will promise to partner with me in this ministry by giving $25.00 a month. The financial goal is almost met! Thank You Jesus!

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. I could not do this without your help. God bless you!

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