Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Holy Spirit Breaks Through all Language Barriers

God is moving in Mexico.

Today, I had the joy of attending a Pentecostal church near where I live. As I came in, the worship team was singing "Dessert Song," by Brooke Fraser of Hillsong. We sing that song back home in Montana and believe it or not, that song had been running through my mind as I got ready for church this morning. The Holy Spirit began to fill me up as I was able to join in worship with my Mexican brothers and sisters in Christ. There are no words to adequately explain the feeling that comes while worshipping with the body of Christ, even when you don't speak the same language. I am so grateful that I too was able to feel God's precious presence today.

Thank You God that You do not limit Yourself to one language or people group.

Not only was the worship time moving, but the pastor preached about having our thoughts renewed by the Lord and having the mind of Christ. He gave several Scriptures, so I was once again able to follow along and receive Spiritual food. Recently, my thoughts have been more on the negative side. I've been paying attention to the things that are frustrating here, instead of focusing on the good that God is doing. God spoke to me in His loving way today and reminded me that His thoughts are not my thoughts, and neither are His ways, my ways. (Paraphrased from Isaiah 55:8) He encouraged me to renew my mind, so that I can be transformed. (from Romans 12:2)

God, thank You for feeding me from Your Word and for renewing my spirit through worship. You are so faithful and You supply all my needs. Thank You!

Please allow me to close with the words from the song I mentioned in the opening paragraph. They are very powerful and were extremely fitting for me to hear today. Maybe they will speak to you as well.

All of my life, in every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing.
I have a reason to worship.

I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain.

I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here.

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