Thursday, July 19, 2012

What Are You Wearing?

My choice of footwear
Good morning!  It’s 9:03am and I am sitting in the Denver, CO airport where I will be patiently waiting for the next few hours.  I’m slightly sleep deprived, so please forgive me if my thoughts are a little foggy and lacking in deep theology this morning.  Getting up at 2:30am has a way of affecting a person.
While sipping on my Starbucks and doing a bit of people watching, I began to think about the choices we make each day.  For example, a boy walked by dressed in purple sportswear—he had the hat, shirt, shorts, and matching shoes.  When he woke up this morning, I’m sure he put thought in to his outfit and cared that it all went together.  I saw men in dress shirts and slacks, women in dresses and heels, and then people who were obviously more concerned with being comfortable for their long journeys.  There were people clothed in religious attire, a Mennonite family and a Catholic priest.  I saw cowboy boots, flip flops, tennis shoes, decorative sandals and flats.  But, this morning, each person went to their closet or drawer and thought, “I will wear this today.”

God reminded me that I need to be even more concerned about the spiritual attire I put on each day.  My devotions this morning were not exactly “earth shaking” and God brought Colossians 3:12 to mind.  It says, “Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”  And later, in verse 14, it says, “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”  Ephesians 6:11 encourages us to, “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

These are virtues that I will need God to help me wear today, but it will also boil down to making some tough choices.  Can I zip my lips and be patient if my next plane is delayed?  Will I choose to wrap myself in compassion for the tired child who missed his nap?   Can I decide to lace my words in kindness when confronted with a frazzled traveler who is in a rush?  I’m thankful for the reminder in Romans 8:9—“You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you.”  Here is my prayer:  “God, please wrap me up in Your Spirit and help my actions, words and attitudes to show that I chose to put YOU on today.”

What are you wearing?

Things that made me smile today:

1.  The announcer at the airport mispronouncing a name and then saying, “Or something close to that.”  (The poor guy—it was a difficult name and he tried his best!)

2.  The cart driver whistling the Andy Griffith theme song as he sped by.

3.  Getting my own row on the flight from Missoula to Denver!!


  1. I love that, Janene. I choose Jesus. As I'm driving around running errands or commuting to work I listen to a Christian radio station. God is so good to always speak to me... to exactly what I need to hear every time! He then confirms that thru the sermon....over and over again. Two family members have disowned me because of my stand for Christian values. It's been incredibly painful. I tried for a while to hand on to the relationship. God finally told me to let go and walk away. I did. I'm praying for them to see how much God loves them and to give their lives to Him. But.... I choose God. It's actually been the first time I've had to choose between God and someone else. God has proven Himself over and over to me. How could I choose otherwise?
    It's been my prayer when I go to work that I would be Jesus to the students and coworkers. He's given me great relationships....while still trying at times...with many difficult students and I'm so thankful to Him. My hope and prayer is that it is jesus that they are seeing. Thanks for letting me ramble on.

  2. Thank you for reading and commenting Debbie! I appreciate it and I'm thankful God used it to be a blessing to you. I'm sorry for the pain you are experiencing from the separation of your two family members, but glad that God has given you peace about it. You are doing the right thing to pray for them and to not become bitter, though it would be easy.
    God will open doors of ministry to you as you continue to desire to model Jesus to those in your life. You are right--it's much easier said than done, but God will give you His grace and the love you need as you depend on Him. God bless you!

  3. Great post, Janene! Good, good reminders about the choices I can make, and really fun(ny) observations, too. Awesome. :)

  4. Thank you Sylvia! It was so much fun spending time with you this summer! Know that I miss you already! :) Thanks for the encouragement.
